Red Ice TV
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Red Ice offers cutting edge commentary on politics and culture shaping our current world. We go wherever the truth takes us, and we speak the truth when others dare not to.

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Germany In Peril & Shakeup Of The Global Order - Sascha Rossmueller - Part 2
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France: 'A Future For White Children' Means Prison

Pierre-Nicolas Nups of the Party of France released an election poster that translates to: 'Let's Give White Children a Future’ and shows an image of a cute blond-haired, blue-eyed boy. He is now facing prosecution for a hate crime.

White People Who Enjoy Silence Are 'Oppressing' NonWhites

The Atlantic promotes the idea that White folks, who don't like constant noise, are oppressive to brown and black cultures and have less fun.

Rebel News Fundraising Grift & Tommy Robinson's Cocaine Problem - Bethan Nodwell

Bethan Nodwell joins Lana to discuss the events that transpired before and after the latest arrest of Tommy Robinson in Canada. They'll talk about the sketchy fundraising of Ezra Levant and how Rebel News preys on their right wing audience while denouncing genuine activism. Bethan decided to go public about Tommy's cocaine problem and other activities, which do not align with the values of the audience he has captured. She'll also respond to Tommy's accusations against her.

Watch in HD here:


I downloaded the Locals app on my Roku TV. To my dismay, it wouldn't let me watch Red Ice videos. Is this some restricted feature that can only be unlocked with a certain number of subscribers?

I've noticed the Red Ice videos on Locals are very low resolution, even lower than the lowest resolution on Rumble.
This makes it difficult sometimes to read the content that you share on the screen. Is this a limitation of Locals because of the very small community here?

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