Red Ice TV
News • Politics • Culture
Red Ice offers cutting edge commentary on politics and culture shaping our current world. We go wherever the truth takes us, and we speak the truth when others dare not to.

This community is for closer audience interaction, exclusive content and for other like minded folks to connect.
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I've noticed the Red Ice videos on Locals are very low resolution, even lower than the lowest resolution on Rumble.
This makes it difficult sometimes to read the content that you share on the screen. Is this a limitation of Locals because of the very small community here?

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What else you may like…
Miss France: They Did It Again

In every aspect of national or ethnic celebration, Europeans are required by the current order to be replaced by blacks or browns.

Chris Cornell From Soundgarden Replaced By Black Woman

Contrived and cringe. Just why?

You Need To Stop Your Racist Meals

Stop eating whitey, you're destroying the planet.

August 17, 2024
Thank you!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is supporting us here on Locals. We appreciate you very much. Have a great weekend. We'll be back with Western Warrior next.

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I downloaded the Locals app on my Roku TV. To my dismay, it wouldn't let me watch Red Ice videos. Is this some restricted feature that can only be unlocked with a certain number of subscribers?

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