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Red Ice offers cutting edge commentary on politics and culture shaping our current world. We go wherever the truth takes us, and we speak the truth when others dare not to.

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Israeli Retaliation Is Coming, Muslim Migrants Go On Violent Rampage In The West - WW Ep303
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No-Go Zone: This Is Your Government Occupied By Zionism

Henrik cover Netanyahu's visit to the US congress, the Olympic terror rapes In Paris have officially begun. Also, what the hell is going on with Peter Theil, Alex Karp, Palantir and the AI tech takeover of the GOP?

The 'New Scots' Are Coming To Replace You

The Scottish government is doing everything it can to "second class" their own native Scots, favoring the rights and privileges of migrants.

Pakistanis Raping Pink Dolphins To Near Extinction

What in the hell? This must be fake? ... well, it's not. It's real.


I downloaded the Locals app on my Roku TV. To my dismay, it wouldn't let me watch Red Ice videos. Is this some restricted feature that can only be unlocked with a certain number of subscribers?

I've noticed the Red Ice videos on Locals are very low resolution, even lower than the lowest resolution on Rumble.
This makes it difficult sometimes to read the content that you share on the screen. Is this a limitation of Locals because of the very small community here?

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