Red Ice TV
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Red Ice offers cutting edge commentary on politics and culture shaping our current world. We go wherever the truth takes us, and we speak the truth when others dare not to.

This community is for closer audience interaction, exclusive content and for other like minded folks to connect.
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Nationalism For White People & Activist Persecution in Australia - Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell

Activists Joel Davis and Thomas Sewell join Lana to discuss how Australia opened the doors to mass immigration and their journey into racial awareness. We’ll cover demographics, political persecution of nationalists and mainstreaming mass deportations and nationalism for White people.

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Donald Tusk Is Destroying Poland With Migrants & LGBTQ Warfare

Reports of a growing number of illegal migrants across Poland provoke urgent calls for government action amid public safety fears.

U.S. State Department Terrorist Label Nordic Pro-White Organization That Never Have Done Terrorism

Antony Blinken's State Department are going after a major pro-European activists group in Sweden while ignoring actual terrorist groups, criminal networks and child rape rings. Not a surprise.

No-Go Zone: Correct

Henrik cover some of the latest in No-Go Zone this June 24, 2024.


I downloaded the Locals app on my Roku TV. To my dismay, it wouldn't let me watch Red Ice videos. Is this some restricted feature that can only be unlocked with a certain number of subscribers?

I've noticed the Red Ice videos on Locals are very low resolution, even lower than the lowest resolution on Rumble.
This makes it difficult sometimes to read the content that you share on the screen. Is this a limitation of Locals because of the very small community here?

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